4 Comments About "You like the view?"

  1. user avatar Tarisar | 18.06.2023 at 15:13

    Hot AF (fun, isnt it?)

  2. user avatar Vudora | 20.06.2023 at 03:55

    Thank you for the suggestion! We actually have brought them several treats/gifts at this point. It hasnt done anything. And unfortunately, she has never once spoken to me or my kids, or acknowledged our existence. So there isnt a relationship to mend, as there never has been one in the first place.

  3. user avatar Gukora | 21.06.2023 at 08:42

    Oliver Us.

  4. user avatar Dimuro | 24.06.2023 at 15:41

    Hang about. Ignore this shit that he's dialled out. DB stuff happens, I'm starting to think that it's a lot do do with familiarity to the situation. You know, things are exciting as new. However, in gamer mode, or with other boys, that kind of comment is bravado. He's playing up to the others, showing off with his sexusl innuendo. On face value matched eith the DB the words seem cruel, insensitive and inflammatory, but this is really not what he actually thinks, or is in the real world.

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