4 Comments About "What I’d like to come home to"

  1. user avatar Tokinos | 07.06.2023 at 15:35

    Just makes it hotter

  2. user avatar Mubar | 08.06.2023 at 06:32

    Oh wow, I'm dealing with the opposite problem. My husband watches it on the daily and it affects our sex life. He can't stay hard with just me, his hand apparently has no issues though. I do consider porn/hentai as a form of cheating now because he seems to prefer it over me, all o get is a \

  3. user avatar Jurisar | 08.06.2023 at 07:30

    Lucky men out there!

  4. user avatar Zurisar | 10.06.2023 at 19:42

    Hell yes I would have noticed and I would be staring at your beautiful and delicious looking cock you have.

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