3 Comments About "Mingazova-anna-"

  1. user avatar Fegar | 09.10.2023 at 11:33

    It is unfair, but more importantly, will mostly like breed relationship crushing resentment.\n\nThere are plenty of ENM relationships where only one partner goes outside the relationship, but that's by choice, not force. If you force your partner to remain monogamous while you engage outside the relationship, it's not fair. They may very well have no desire to explore, but the moment you put your foot down on them having the opportunity, it's no longer about an open relationship, it's about being controlled.\n\nYou could be shooting yourself in the proverbial foot as well, by denying your partner the same opportunities. Many times the energy and desire found outside of the relationship is brought back \

  2. user avatar Kigami | 11.10.2023 at 01:47

    Good lord I need this. Coming to nyc anytime soon?

  3. user avatar Tegrel | 11.10.2023 at 19:31

    if your parents are decent people and a trustworthy resource to watch your children when needed I would gIve them another chance. You now can shut the door unequivocally on this issue and make it crystal clear with them to not engage your children in any way with the church or god. If mistakes are made you expect to hear it from them first. If you hear about something like this from your child ever again there will be consequences including the possibility of not seeing the grandkids again.

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