4 Comments About "Daily Skills Journal Template"

  1. user avatar Kigagul | 11.10.2023 at 02:39

    Split and get divorced.

  2. user avatar Fenrijar | 14.10.2023 at 06:26

    I would help with that

  3. user avatar Nigal | 14.10.2023 at 18:33

    I dont understand why you chose to get pregnant with this troglodyte and why you have put up with this for six years!\n\nHe doesnt want boring sex, he wants what he wants and thats all he wants-nothing for you.\n\nWhy have you stayed?

  4. user avatar Vikus | 15.10.2023 at 21:13

    We all are different. I could not live in a relationship without sex. Sex and intimacy is for me what makes it a relationship and not just friendship.\n\nI am about to end it with my wife due to the lack of sex and intimacy. If i find someone in the future i hope she will have the same sex drive as i do. If i don't find anyone that is ok as well. Then i can live by myself and do whatever i want. :)

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