Gf flirting with a guy she went to hs with while she is at home for Christmas

3 Comments About "Gf flirting with a guy she went to hs with while she is at home for Christmas"

  1. user avatar Meztira | 15.09.2023 at 03:00

    Put up with his shit. You'll get less and less wet around him over time.

  2. user avatar Kigis | 24.09.2023 at 15:56

    He is very wholesome!

  3. user avatar Maukazahn | 24.09.2023 at 17:36

    Why judge the decisions made by someone else? We stay in marriages for lots of irrational reasons and sex may or may not be one of them. My life has been much more rewarding because of the women Ive been with who Ive not been married to. My wife hasnt given me a dozen bjs in three decades, and never ever initiates though Im still in it because sex is just 0% to her and 90% to me. I was with others until caught but consider divorce every day. When does that decision just become irrelevant.

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