3 Comments About "And some people think masturbation is a sin"

  1. user avatar Faulmaran | 06.09.2023 at 03:05

    The journey is absolutely a huge part of the excitement. My wife and I started out with threesomes, and I watched as she slowly became comfortable with introducing strangers, letting me just sit back and watch versus participating, and eventually, become comfortable enough to go on solo dates. Not to mention all of the fun dirty ideas that come about over the years. Congrats and enjoy!

  2. user avatar Zulkiramar | 06.09.2023 at 21:20

    Nectar of the gods!

  3. user avatar Majin | 12.09.2023 at 17:15

    I opened up to my mission president (South America ~2011) about my anxiety/depression. He said it was likely demons and tried to cast it out with a priesthood blessing. It didnt work.\n\nThen he said: God might be trying to teach you something with this trial. But if He wills it, next transfer, Ill move you to the mission home and Ill set you up with a doctor/therapist. That never happened. \n\nA couple months later, we got a new MP. I emailed him that I was anxious and having thoughts of hurting myself. He responded basically saying all missionaries have bad days. Walk it off I came home dangerously malnourished and a shell of my former self. Took years of therapy to undo.

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