4 Comments About "Im waiting for you at home like this"

  1. user avatar Mejin | 07.05.2023 at 12:59

    Update... I just kicked him out for the first time in our 8 years together. \n\nIdk what I'm gonna tell the kids, but... I'll figure that out as I go I guess.

  2. user avatar JoJorr | 13.05.2023 at 19:43

    Absolutely!.for as long as you want.

  3. user avatar Zubar | 14.05.2023 at 10:08

    I've set a now 11 month deadline for a lot of things to happen in my life, and my relationship is one of them and I've made it known to my SO. Ever since then, I've felt so much better about myself and my life it's wonderful. Knowing that if things change, great, but that there's now a light at the end of the tunnel makes a lot of difference.

  4. user avatar Voktilar | 16.05.2023 at 03:07

    I want it in my mouth

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