2 Comments About "Please, fck me hard!"

  1. user avatar Julabar | 20.05.2023 at 05:36

    My ex beged a guy to fuck her in the car

  2. user avatar Taushicage | 27.05.2023 at 09:57

    Youre going to be better off. She had two affairs. You deserve to be loved and cherished just as you have tried to do for her. I know how it can be loving someone so much that youll literally put up with anything just to try and keep them, but its time for you to start living a fulfilling life. It will suck for awhile, but in time this wound wont be so painful and you will find your way, whether you remain friends or not. And its okay to not be friends with her. You need to prioritize yourself. Best of luck!

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