4 Comments About "This stacked babe Is wifey material"

  1. user avatar Kazilar | 27.07.2023 at 19:31

    My final straw was when I was questioning my own sexual orientation (turns out I'm bi), my sister had just come out as trans, and every goddamn fucking Sunday School and Relief Society lesson during that period of time devolved into rhetoric about how the gays were trying to take over the world. Every. Single. Fucking. Lesson. No matter the topic. And it wasn't even the same people making the comments, different ones every time.\n\nI started skipping 2nd and 3rd hour as a result, and then was sitting in sacrament meeting one day feeling absolutely miserable, and just went, \

  2. user avatar Tora | 29.07.2023 at 08:27

    I love my husband, but in this situation you have to consider yourself incredibly gifted. When I come at my husband like this, he almost intuitively knows that he won't be able to keep up with my libido so he reaches into his bag of tricks to make sure that I still get off despite the fact that he is going to cum quick. If it weren't for oral sex and sex toys I would never cum from my husband when I get in one of those moods that your wife was in!

  3. user avatar Duran | 01.08.2023 at 16:36

    I think this fits in better tbh. Its sad as he is handsome and Ive expressed it often and tried to be as supportive as I can.

  4. user avatar Mit | 02.08.2023 at 06:32

    Lucky hubby!!!

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