3 Comments About "What else am i going to do to keep busy while your at work"

  1. user avatar Nikocage | 21.07.2023 at 00:12

    They'd have to delete all NSFW content so they could start advertising again then, which isn't really difficult, but if it's a lot of subs doing this then reddit admins will have a tough time kicking and replacing everyone.

  2. user avatar Shaktill | 28.07.2023 at 10:19

    How long have you had a DB?

  3. user avatar Samusho | 29.07.2023 at 03:36

    I think ultimately this lifestyle comes down to the ability to PERFORM, and I think that overwhelms a lot of people. The fear of rejection, not living up to what was discussed, self-confidence issues etc Also, just life happens. I think shit can go down in peoples lives that can really kill their mood and desire to have the experience. Stressful work weak, parental responsibility, unexpected plans from your vanilla friends and family. For bachelore guys perhaps juggling between seeing a girlfriend/fwb or a hotwife (may values the gf/fwb meet more because they actually have feelings/emotions involved there).\n\nI think theres a lot of factors overal, but definitely stress and anxiousness is at play.

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