3 Comments About "Your prize awaits 😉 Messages welcome"

  1. user avatar Voodoojora | 24.05.2023 at 00:19

    What's B&A ?\n\nAnd you shouldn't have done that

  2. user avatar Taurn | 24.05.2023 at 04:43

    Yeah no its fine, Im actually happy that Ive been served a shit sandwich. Im not even mad that this place doesnt serve real food anymore, Im just happy to eat shit all day long and if youre not, well why dont you just leave?\n\nBecause this place wasnt always shit, and it doesnt have to continue to serve us shit either.

  3. user avatar Samutaxe | 28.05.2023 at 00:08

    It doesnt sound like youre very attracted to him. Have you thought about what/who turns you on. Again, people we think are good matches for a long term partner are not always the same people we are sexually attracted to.

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