3 Comments About "Mature wife"

  1. user avatar Sagrel | 05.07.2023 at 03:02

    Did his girlfriend help you out ? Or just watched ?

  2. user avatar Zulkizshura | 08.07.2023 at 09:36

    When you have an agreement with someone you should stick to the agreement. \n\nI dont think another conversation about your expectations are unreasonable.\n\nUnless her not keeping to your agreements is an unspoken agreement. Lol though it kind of is if you dont say different.\n\nEdit: but then I read what she likes and I see her point. Lol\n\nYall are confusing.

  3. user avatar Mazubar | 13.07.2023 at 05:29

    Your former FWB is an asshole for doing what she did and I hope shes far out of your life now. \n\nSince you feel like youre an inadequate sexual partner thats obviously going to prevent you from enjoying sex. If youre not getting any satisfaction from sexual encounters then you should probably stop seeking them out until youre mentally comfortable with yourself and your self image. If I were in your position I would try and shift focus to new hobbies, career, etc. and then consider returning to sex.\n\nYou might benefit more from seeking a long term relationship where you can grow to be comfortable with your partner over time.

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